Wendy Cicchetti studied Astrology formally for eight and a half years and continues to engage in the study of it as it is always fascinating and never-ending. She has a worldwide practice with clients in almost every continent across the globe. She understands the technical detail and has the intuitive gifts that add accuracy to a reading. Wendy is a trusted adviser, and always gives practical solutions to complex issues. She can pinpoint hard transits and keep you informed as to when you can expect a challenging time period, what planetary energies are at play, and how best to navigate the course ahead.

Wendy is also gifted at helping parents understand their children. The only owners manual a child comes with is their natal profile. Understanding a child’s nature is a great asset in the parenting process. Parenting is the most difficult of all our endeavors.

Some of the events she can see a potential for include; marriage, a new love, pregnancy, divorce, change in career, a move, money issues, health challenges, spiritual advancement, issues with parents, and many more. Wendy tells you the truth and always gives you a way out of difficult situations. She consistently leaves you feeling empowered and hopeful, not fearful.